About The Farm

My husband and I live in a major city where there is a limited amount of “rural” zoned areas. We were lucky enough to find a house on a one acre lot that allows for a certain amount of poultry and livestock. We moved into this property on June 2014. One of our first projects was to build the vegetable garden which is about 336 Sq Ft. As a novice, I started planting a few vegetables at a time. I started with radishes and peas which are very easy to grow.

For several months I had been reading about raising chickens and I felt that I was ready to get my hands dirty!!! Our plan for the near future is to build a large enough chicken coop for about 15 hens, but in the mean time we’ve purchased a smaller one to get started. In October 2015, while the veggie garden was being built, we got four baby chicks from a local organic farm. They started laying eggs at around 4 months old, and each is now now laying an egg a day.
